Learning and Development Delivery: Quality Assurance
Feedback and evaluating the quality of our training is crucial to ensure we continuously improve our service and to meet the needs of participants.
Where customers require it, we evaluate the quality and measure the effectiveness of our training by using the worldwide standard, Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model – Reaction, Learning, Behaviour and Results:
Level 1 – Reaction
We measure and evaluate participant reaction by asking a series of questions where they will rate on a 5 point scale was the session worthwhile/successful, did it meet their needs, how they rate the venue and presentation style, and did it accommodate their personal learning styles/needs?
Questionnaire will include open dialogue boxes where we ask them to tell us ‘What was done well? What could be improved? And was there anything missing from the learning we provided? Questionnaires will be distributed to all participants and responses recorded.
Our administrator is responsible for collating this data alongside our Commercial Accounts Manager, into a report format, and an analysis of the feedback will be used to review/evaluate quality and make any changes to ensure the training is fit for purpose. Findings/feedback will be discussed in regular meetings between the delivery team.
Level 2 – Learning
To measure whether participant learning against the specific learning outcomes and skill levels have changed, questionnaires and discussions will be used that captures participants perception of their knowledge/skills around specific topics at the beginning and at the end of the session.
Level 3 – Behaviour
We will contact participants after training to assess whether behaviour has changed and what aspects of their learning have been put into practice. This will be done through an online questionnaire completed by the participant.
Level 4 – Results
We will monitor the number of attendees and their roles/locations. We will also ask commissioners for feedback. We will send a survey monkey questionnaire to all participants 3 months after courses to assess whether there have been any changes/improvements as a result of the training.